New Speed Cameras in Spain

Notification of a fixed traffic camera in Spain is legal

New Speed Cameras Now Operational in Northern, Eastern, and Southern Spain

  • 17 of the new speed monitoring points are fixed, and 7 are section-based.
  • For one month, the new cameras will notify drivers of infractions, after which fines will be issued.
  • In 2025, the installation of 122 new speed monitoring points will continue.
  • Inappropriate speed remains a contributing factor in 21% of fatal accidents.

The General Directorate of Traffic has put 24 new speed cameras into service across various parts of Spain, with 17 being fixed cameras and 7 being section-based cameras. This was announced recently by the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, during a visit to the Automated Complaints Centre in León.

The location of these 24 new cameras includes the northern, eastern, and southern regions of Spain, particularly in the provinces of A Coruña, Asturias, Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra, Almería, Málaga, Granada, as well as Alicante and Valencia in the Levante region, as detailed in the tables provided.

TypeCGTProvinceRoadPK INIPK Fin
FixedMálagaAlmeríaA-10501+200 D
FixedMálagaAlmeríaAL-31171+400 C
Average speedMálagaAlmeríaA-3708+400 C9+400 C
FixedMálagaGranadaN-432425+950 D
FixedMálagaMálagaA-70543+500 C
Average speedMálagaMálagaMA-209+300 C10+300 C
TypeCGTProvinceRoadPK IniPK Fin
FixedA CoruñaA CoruñaAC-2212+550 C
FixedA CoruñaA CoruñaAC-8419+800 D
Average speedA CoruñaA CoruñaAC-55226+275 C27+300 C
FixedA CoruñaAsturiasN-634377+850 C
FixedA CoruñaAsturiasGJ-100+250 C
Average speedA CoruñaAsturiasAS-1122+150 D0+850 D
FixedA CoruñaLugoLU-86274+150 D
FixedA CoruñaOurenseN-525237+880 C
Average speedA CoruñaOurenseOU-53625+850 C28+040 C
FixedA CoruñaPontevedraN-55084+150 C
TypeCGTProvinceRoadPK IniPK Fin
FixedValenciaAlicanteN-33289+050 D
FixedValenciaAlicanteCV-8613+800 C
FixedValenciaAlicanteCV-9057+050 D
FixedValenciaAlicanteA-77a0+420 C
Average speedValenciaValenciaA-3347+100 C349+150 C
FixedValenciaValenciaV-316+125 D
FixedValenciaValenciaCV-4103+510 C
Average speedValenciaValenciaV-233+330 D1+600 D

These new points are marked on roads, published on the DGT website, and available for navigation systems. For one month, drivers exceeding speed limits will receive an informational letter. After this period, speeding violations will result in fines.

20 Years of Speed Cameras

In 2025, the first fixed-speed camera plan marks its 20th anniversary. This measure, along with others, has helped reduce fatal accident victims by 75% over these years.

The 2005-2008 Strategic Road Safety Plan, following international guidelines (e.g., OECD, WHO, UN, EU), initially installed 500 fixed speed monitoring points and 300 mobile devices managed by the Civil Guard’s Traffic Division.

These monitoring points continue to save lives as inappropriate speed remains a factor in 21% of fatal accidents.


Can you wash your car in the street in Spain?

Car wash spain

In Spain, washing your car just outside your home might seem like a practical solution, but it’s not as straightforward as you might think. The Reglamento General de la Circulación explicitly prohibits “throwing, depositing, or abandoning substances on public roads that could hinder traffic, cause danger, or damage infrastructure.” This includes the runoff water, soap, and dirt that come with cleaning your vehicle.

The reasoning behind this rule is simple: washing your car in public spaces can dirty the roads and potentially harm the environment. Local councils enforce this regulation, and while penalties aren’t always strictly applied, they are on the table. Fines can rise to €3,000, depending on the municipality and the circumstances. Smaller villages tend to be more lenient, but in urban areas, authorities are less forgiving.

If you want to avoid risking a fine, the safest bet is to use a designated car wash facility. These services are designed to handle the runoff and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Mobile and eco-friendly car washing services are also becoming increasingly popular alternatives.

On the other hand, maintaining your car in good condition isn’t just about avoiding fines. The same regulations require vehicles to be clean enough to ensure the proper functioning of essential elements like mirrors, license plates, and lights. While this doesn’t mean your car has to sparkle, it does need to be roadworthy and visibly safe.

To stay on the right side of the law, check your local regulations and avoid washing your car in public spaces. By using appropriate facilities, you’ll not only comply with the rules but also contribute to cleaner streets and a healthier environment.