Learning Spanish takes time and if you are only in Spain for part of the year it becomes that much harder to achieve. So in order to help you if you have a breakdown or need to visit a garage where they don’t speak a lot of English here is a list of some useful translations:
If you have a mechanical or other issue with somwething inside your car then here is a list of some of the vocabulary that might come in useful:
Finally, here is a table of some other translations that could prove handy:
English | Spanish |
Accelerator | La acelerador |
Aerial | La antena |
Air filter | El filtro de aire |
Battery | La batería |
Boot | El maletero |
Brake drum | El tambor de freno |
Brake shoe | La zapata de freno |
Carburettor | El carburador |
Clutch pedal | La pedal de embrague |
Disc brake pads | El forro de freno de disco |
Exhaust pipe | El tubo de escape |
Fuel pump | El bomba de gasolina |
Fuel tank | El depósito de gasolina |
Gearbox | La caja de cambio de velocidades |
Hazard warning lights | El intermitente de emergencia |
Ignition switch | La encendido |
lock | La cerradura |
Number plate | La matricula |
Oil dip stick | La varilla del ivel de aciete |
Oil filter | El filtro de aciete |
Radiator | El radiador |
Rear axle | El eje trastero |
Rear window | La luneta trastero |
Roof rack | La baca |
sidelight | E luz de posición |
Spare wheel | La rueda de recambio |
Spark plug | La bujía |
Windscreen washer | El lavacristales |
Windscreen wiper arm | El brazo de limpiaparabrisas |