DGT resources for road safety teaching in Spanish schools

The next school year, which is about to start, will be the first in which primary, secondary and high school students receive basic training in road safety thanks to its inclusion in the school curriculum through various Royal decrees. These ensure road safety is taught at primary, secondary and baccalaureate levels. This will allow not only to develop active, autonomous and healthy mobility habits among minors, but also to encourage attitudes of respect that affect the prevention of traffic accidents.
After the publication of the aforementioned Royal Decrees, which incorporate the basic, specific and mandatory skills and content in safe and sustainable mobility at all educational stages, both the autonomous communities and the schools are in charge of specifying, expanding and giving shape to these contents that will be evaluable and that will be integrated transversally in different subjects such as Knowledge of the Environment or Education in Values and, in a special way, in Physical Education.
The educational resources, through different programs and materials, will be adapted to the specific needs of each stage. At Primary level they will be focus on promoting the values of active, healthy, safe and sustainable mobility, helping, for example, the extension of safe school paths or the incorporation of the bicycle as a regular vehicle for schoolchildren. At Secondary and Baccalaureate levels they will focus more on road safety values.
In order to help implement these contents, the General Directorate of Traffic will make these resources available to all those schools that wish to do so, either through its website or through the Provincial Coordinators of Road Education present. in each Provincial Traffic Headquarters and that they will be available to support those who need it in this process.