When shopping for car insurance in Spain also bear in mind other useful protections. Some companies actually now include some or all of these as standard, but not all. Remember to ask.
Accident and breakdown recovery Spain
In Spain it is illegal to tow a vehicle. Most insurances these days automatically include a breakdown and accident recovery service. However, it doesn’t hurt to double check when you are buying a policy. A lot, but not all will include windscreen protection as well. A car is now a very important part of most people’s lives. It may be that you use it to get to work or drop the kids off to school. Perhaps it is just to make our life easier whilst here on a regular visit to a holiday home. If your car is off the road then it might also be worth including a courtesy car in your insurance.
Courtesy Car
If your insurer include a courtesy car then find out in what circumstances it is available. Usually it will be provided in the event of a claim where your vehicle has to be in the repair workshop. There is usually a minimum number of specified days before the car is provided. That will depend on the insurance company. There will also be a maximum number of days a courtesy car will be provided.
If you breakdown some insurance companies will also make a courtesy car available. Again there is usually a minimum number of days that your car must be unavailable before a courtesy car is provided. A maximum number of days will also be detailed in the policy.
Please bear in mind that the insurance companies will not provide a like for like vehicle. If you have got a seven-seater don’t expect the insurer to offer a substitute vehicle of the same size. If you drive a Lexus don’t expect the insurance company to provide you with a temporary one.
You might be able to make an arrangement with the rent-a-car where you pick up the courtesy vehicle. That is if they have something available and you are willing to pay the difference.