When you buy a second hand car in Spain you have to pay ” Impuesto de Transmisiones Patrimoniales (ITP)”. This varies from region to region and in 2020 was between 4% and 8% of the “official” value of the car.
Modelo 620
Modelo 620 is paid to the tax authorities (Hacienda). The person who pays the tax is the purchaser of the car in Spain and you should have this in mind when deciding on how much to pay the seller for the vehicle.
Your region probably has its own calculator for this tax. Here is the Spanish car transfer tax calculator for Andalucia but bear in mind the cost in this part of Spain is 4%. In other areas of Spain it could be higher. Here is a step by step guide on how to calculate the tax figure (for Andalucia).
The have to pay the tax and physically go to the appropriate tax office (A.E.A.T) or Autonomous Region, if appropriate, to show it is paid.
The completed modelo 620 should be typed or completed in pen in capital letters. Here is a step by step guide on how to complete the modelo 620 car tax transfer form.
You will need to take with you:
- The sales contract for the Spanish car (Example: compraventa)
- The request to change ownership of the vehicle “solicitud de titularidad el vehículo” signed by the buyer and the seller
- The current proof of ITV (assuming the car is more than 4 years old)
- Permiso de circulacion
- The receipt for the road tax (IVTM)
Modelo 621
This is the form to pay the Spanish car transfer tax online. You will need the information to identify the purchaser and seller. NIF/NIE, name and address. The vehicle technical details are obtained automatically using the sellers information and the registration number of the vehicle you are buying.
For the province of Andalucia you can organise to pay the Modelo 621 tax online (Andalucia only) online. Each region will have its own webpage.
You can also download the completed form and pay the tax in one of the banks that will accept payment. You will need to print three copies of the completed form.
This link gives you step by step instructions on how to complete the modelo 621.