DGT Environmental badge

dgt environment badge
dgt environmental badge


    What is the DGT Environmental badge?

    The Environmental badge is a system designed to classify vehicles based on emissions and efficiency.

    There are four categories:

    0 emissions badge

    This category includes electric vehicles and some hybrids. It is the least polluting group of vehicles.

    Eco badge

    In this category, you will come across mainly gas and many hybrid vehicles. A plug-in hybrid, HEVs LNG and CNG vehicle types.

    C Badge

    This green badge is for vehicles that will include passenger vehicles, and vans registered after January 2006 and are fuelled on petrol. Also in this group are those vehicles running on diesel registered after September 2015. These vehicles will meet the latest Euro emissions standards.

    B Badge

    In this category are vehicles that do not meet the latest Euro emissions standards.

    Do I need the DGT environmental Badge?

    This depends on whether you want to drive your vehicle in a restricted zone. There are several emission zones already in place. Madrid and Barcelona have had them in place for several years. They are being rolled out throughout Spain so it will become more likely that you will encounter a zone in the future. If you do not have the correct DGT environmental badge displayed in your vehicle, then you are prohibited from driving in certain zones.

    How do I know what DGT Environmental badge I need?

    This is fairly straightforward. You can use a free online tool. Enter your registration number and the tool displays the category that corresponds to that vehicle.

    What environmental badge does my vehicle need?

    Where do I get an environment badge?

    You obtain the DGT environmental badge from the post office (Correos). It costs five euros. However, if your post office is like mine and you don’t want to spend half the morning queuing up then you can buy the DGT environmental badge online at the official post office website to buy the disc online

    Another alternative I found posted on a Facebook group website seemed to be more competitive at 6.50 euros. It was marked as the official DGT site in the post but I am not sure that is correct. https://www.pegatinas-dgt.com/en . The website states it is an authorised dealer for the stickers and it is run by a company called ANSIB NET SOLUTIONS, S.L.

    I ordered mine from Pegatinas-dgt.com on 18 January at 6.20pm and received confirmation of the order immediately. I paid 3,95 euros extra to receive a tracking code for delivery which was confirmed to me the following day. The DGT environmental sticker arrived by registered post 20 January.

    You can also buy the sticker at garages which are members of the Spanish Confederation of Repair Workshops. (Red de talleres de la Confederación Española de talleres (CETRAA)) and Administrative Gestorias.

    dgt environmental badge letter

    How much does an environmental badge cost?

    The standard cost is 5 euros. They can be obtained from the post office (Correos). The Correos is also offering them online but at a cost of 20 euros. You can obtain them from Administrative Gestorias and a network of garage workshops including those workshops that are members of CETRAA.