It was back in November 2018 that the Spanish government embarked on a journey to amended the road traffic laws in Spain as mentioned in our article Tougher Law for using mobile phones pointed out at the time. This included an increase from three to six penalty points for using a mobile phone.
In November 2020 the Council of Ministers approved the various reforms and now congress has also approved the amendments which includes four points (not three) for not wearing a seatbelt. There was one notable adjustment to the original plans, however.
There has been a rule in Spain that on conventional roads out of town a driver could exceed the maximum speed limit by 20kph if the vehicle they were overtaking was not actually travelling at the maximum speed limit permitted. This lee-way was to be withdrawn under the original drafted new plans. However, after an amendment passed by just one vote the removal of this excess speed in these particular circumstances has been dropped.
It will also be law to wear a helmet when using an electric scooter.
These measures will now be sent to the Spanish Senate.