New ITV dates following state of alarm

The ITV testing stations were closed on the 14 March 2020 when the state of alarm was announced in Spain.

ITV certificate expiry dates were extended under a previous decree and set to expire after the end of the state of alarm plus 30 days. With the last of the Spanish provinces coming out of phase ‘0’ on Monday 18th May an official bulletin from the state of Spain was realeased. For those whose ITV certificates have expired, whilst the ITV stations have been closed, it provides clarity as to when you need to get your ITV renewals completed.

The state of alarm for calculating new ITV tests finishes at 00:00 on 24 May 2020.

Initial inspection dateExtension period once state of alarm finishes (calendar days)
Week 1: March 14-20 March30 days plus 15 additional days
Week 2: March 21-27 March30 days plus 2 periods of 15 days
Week 3: March 28 – 3 April30 days plus 3 periods of 15 days
Week n.30 days plus n 15-day periods.

For example, if your ITV expired on the Monday 21 March 2020 then the validity of your ITV certificate has been extended until 23 July 2020. The state of alarm, as far as ITV tests goes, expires 24 May 2020. So it is 24 May + 30 days + 2 periods of 15 days = 23rd July. You must complete your ITV test before that date.

You will need to book for the re-test with an ITV centre.

Note, that once your vehicle has passed the ITV test the renewal date will be based on when the original test expired this year. The period will not start from the date of the revised test.

Reale Seguros to provide 2.7 million to help mitigate the impact of Coronavirus in the most vulnerable groups

One of the many insurance companies we work with is doing its bit to help battle the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic in Spain.

Reale has launched a package of urgent measures, in collaboration with hospitals, nursing homes and NGOs, to help alleviate, in all phases of the crisis, those groups most affected. A series of projects and initiatives have been selected that aim to prevent, alleviate and help society psychologically and socially in the territories in which the insurer operates.

In total, the resources contributed by Reale Seguros and the Reale Group’s corporate foundation in Spain, the Reale Foundation, amount to 2.7 million euros.

As the first group of measures, 4 major initiatives have been launched with specific projects and will be launched throughout the week:


· Disinfection project and provision of material for Nursing Homes. A total of 6 nursing homes in Madrid and Guadalajara will receive material for healthcare personnel, and Reale Seguros will also pay for the disinfection of some of them:

  • San Celedonio Residence (Madrid)
  • Guindalera Residence (Madrid)
  • Princesa Residence (Madrid)
  • Amavir Arganzuela Residence (Madrid)
  • Amavir Usera Residence (Madrid)
  • Guadalajara Residence


Research Project with the Fundación Hospital La Paz. Establish a classification of COVID patients on admission that allows predicting their evolution in the first moments and effective treatment for those with a worse prognosis. In collaboration with the “Research Institute of the Hospital La Paz” together with the Emergency Service.


Project of Psychological Support in UCI´S. Hiring of 10 professionals for psychological support in intensive care units for murses, doctors and patients, generated by the COVID-19 crisis in hospitals in the Community of Madrid. There will be psychological and tele-psychological intervention through telephone, tablets and ad-hoc platform. With the HU-CI Project and the Official College of Psychology of Madrid (COPM).


Project “Home delivery of medicines for chronic patients”. Reale will participate by financing a program of Banco Farmacéutico volunteers for the home delivery of medications to people with chronic treatments, to patients with psychological / psychiatric treatment. It will be carried out in collaboration with DHL and the delivery area will be Vallecas (South of Madrid), which has also been affected by the slowdown in economic activity.

According to Ignacio Mariscal, CEO of Reale Seguros and Patron Delegate of the Reale Foundation, “within our commitment to society and through our corporate foundation, the Reale Foundation, we work to identify initiatives that help the entire population, and especially those groups with greater risk, relying, today more than ever, on our values ​​of cohesion and centrality of people at a time when society needs it. ”

Reale’s team «is already working on the identification and implementation of another package of measures that will have the same objective: #Now more than ever, the trust and closeness that the insurer wants to transfer is summarized in its slogan #TogetherMore that , together with #YoMeQuedoenCasa and # TodoSalaráBien, makes them participants in the Society as a whole.

Driving licences extended 60 days if they expire during the State of Alarm

How to change a UK driving licence to a Spanish driving licence

The Interior Ministry has issued an order extending the validity of driving licenses that expire during the state of alarm for 60 days. 

The order, published this Saturday in the Official State Gazette (BOE), states that “driving permits and licenses, as well as other administrative authorizations to drive, whose period of validity expires during the state of alarm, will be automatically extended while it lasts the same and up to sixty calendar days after its completion ”. 

The resolution, signed by the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, also affects valid foreign driving licenses to drive in Spain. The law establishes that these permits are valid for six months from arrival in Spain and that, after that period, foreign drivers must exchange their country’s permit for a Spanish one. 

The order published today in the BOE establishes that the computation of those six months is paralysed during the state of alarm, and will resume once that period has ended. Therefore, foreign driving licenses for which the legal six months have not expired remain valid during the state of alarm. 

Essential vehicles exempt from some traffic restrictions

The resolution also affects certain vehicles that provide essential services such as the distribution of medicines, medical supplies or food. The Royal Decree, by which the state of alarm was established, indicates that the Minister of the Interior “may agree to close the circulation of roads or sections of them for reasons of public health, safety or fluidity of traffic or the restriction on access of certain vehicles for the same reasons. ” The order issued this Saturday indicates that these restrictions that may be established will not affect: 

a) Roadside assistance vehicles. 

b) Vehicles and road maintenance and maintenance services. 

c) Vehicles for the distribution of medicines and medical supplies. 

d) Urban solid waste collection vehicles. 

e) Vehicles destined for food distribution. 

f) The transportation of flux materials. 

g) Vehicles destined to transport fuels. 

h) Live livestock transport vehicles. 

i) The transport of perishable goods (fruits, fresh vegetables and others), provided that the perishable goods account for at least half of the vehicle’s payload capacity or occupy half of the vehicle’s payload volume. 

j) The vehicles of the State Society of Posts and Telegraphs. 

The restrictions will also not affect other vehicles “that help guarantee the supply of goods or the provision of essential services for the population.” The Royal Decree on the state of alarm already indicated that these restrictions did not affect emergency vehicles or police vehicles. The order signed by the Interior Minister has been issued, like the rest of the resolutions established under the Royal Decree on the state of alarm, in order to protect the health and safety of citizens, contain the progression of the disease and reinforce the public health system. The objective is to guarantee the supply of basic necessities and the provision of essential services for our society. 

To make this measure effective and guarantee unity and coordination in its execution, the order establishes that the General Director of Traffic, Pere Navarro, report the same “to those responsible for traffic in the Autonomous Communities, or, where appropriate, of the local entities that have assumed competences in the matter of traffic ”. 

DGT and Guardia Civil to control roads preventing travel to second homes

The General Directorate of Traffic and the Traffic Group of the Civil Guard will establish controls on the exit roads of large cities to prevent displacement to second homes due to the proximity of the weekend.

DGT and Guardia Civil to control roads preventing travel to second homes

The Civil Guard since yesterday is carrying out 30,000 roadblocks and will be reinforced throughout the weekend in order to monitor compliance with the imposed traffic restrictions.

Since the declaration of the State of Alarm last Saturday, March 14, the freedom of movement of people is limited and it is not possible to circulate on the roads for public use, except for the activities contained in article 7 of RD 463 / 2020.

This limitation of circulation is an essential measure to face the public health emergency situation caused by COVID-19 in which we find ourselves.