What documents must I have in my car in Spain?

What documents must I have in my car in Spain

There are several documents you must be able to provide to the authorities on request when driving a car in Spain. The title of the documents may depend on the country your vehicle is from but in general the paperwork will be the same for everyone.

You must be able to provide:

  • your original full driving licence.
  • Proof of identification (Passport, National Identity Card).
  • Proof of vehicle ownership. In Spain that would be the permiso de circulacion and the ficha tecnica. If the vehicle is from the UK, for example, you should have the original V5C certificate.
  • If you are driving a non-Spanish plated vehicle, then you should also have proof of insurance.

For Spanish registered vehicles the police have a computer system called FIVA (Fichero informativo de Vehiculos Asegurados) where they can check the vehicle is insured. There is no legal requirement to keep the original documents for your car insurance in Spain any longer, for a Spanish registered vehicle.

It would be sensible of course to keep the insurance accident and breakdown recovery numbers in the car as well as the DAA (Declaración Amistosa de Accidente) the Accident Statement.

Change vehicle registered address by phone

Car Insurance Spain is pleased to advise its customers that it is now possible to change the registered address of your vehicle over the telephone with the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT.es).

No longer is it necessary to book an appointment and take your paperwork to the Regional Traffic Office. You can make the change from the comfort of your own home.

The number to ring is 060.

However, before you ring make sure you:

  1. Are registered on the padron at the Town Hall at the new address.
  2. Make sure you have your DNI or NIE handy
  3. You will, of course, be able to recall your name, surname and date of birth as you will need to give this information
  4. The registration number of the vehicle
  5. You should have the Permiso de circulación to hand as well as they may ask for some details.

You may also be interested in knowing that you can change these details are many local Town Halls. See our article how to change registered address of vehicle in Spain at your Town Hall.